American Shorts

Potential War With Iran?

October 2, 2009
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Um, why do I have to read this story at Fox Nation, the internet’s worst website?

Obama said Iran must grant international inspectors “unfettered” access to its newly disclosed nuclear facility within two weeks.

This shit is fucked. I mean, really? Obama might use force against Iran?

I’m not that worried because, you can tell just by the way he speaks on such matters, that he really doesn’t want to. (The main reason for that is that there’s no reason to. Case closed.)

Iran, for all its rhetoric, is a peaceful country. I realize it’s in the middle east, and the middle east is bad, but come on — what has Iran done?

All the talk about Iranians training al Qaeda — unfounded. All the shit about I’m a Dinner Jacket inciting a Holocaust or something — based on nothing. And now we’re scared they’re going to build a nuclear bomb? Think about that. “A nuclear bomb.” One.

Iran building a bomb means nothing. There are plenty of countries throughout the world with bombs. They know that if they used these bombs, their countries would cease to exist because then the United States would have a real reason — backed up by everyone — to use our own bombs.

Why isn’t this being reported on the liberal blogs, or even news sites. No talk of it on Think Progress, Huffington Post or Crooks and Liars. Something needs to be said about the priorities of those whose “guy” is in power. I mean, liberal blogs are advertising T-shirts now saying “Respect the president.” Really? Do you wear that in rotation with your Che T-shirts?

As much as the radical right has been going nuts, pushing the same conspiracies they railed against during the Bush years, the left has really gotten in line here. I’m probably at least partially guilt of that. I mean, I like the guy. I want him to do awesome. I want America to be great. And in so doing, I’ve probably blown off lots of legitimate concerns by the right — even if most of the concerns are conspiracies that have to do with an innate hatred based on…lots of things.ShahNuclearPlants

For once, I think at least, Infowars might be right.

I thought Bush and Cheney wanted war with Iran, after they released that stupid speed boat video, and Bush used to claim I’m a Dinner Jacket was ready to bomb Israel, but Obama definitely doesn’t want to. And let’s be perfectly clear here. Iran has been building nuclear reactors since the 70s — the United States actually encouraged the Shah, our puppet, to do so.

I mean, I’m sorry the elections didn’t work out over there — but in 2000, they didn’t work out here, either. Shit happens. I’m glad people protested against their government over there, but that shouldn’t be used as a potential added excuse — as it could be — to commit genocide across what is a pretty up-to-date middle eastern country. If anything, the protests are a reason not to do anything — they’re fine. They practice free speech and seem to be allowed to do so, at least on some scale.

I just “hope” Obama doesn’t go the way of LBJ with this shit.

Infowars Psychotic Roundup

September 30, 2009
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This picture was on Infowars. It’s pretty funny.

selfportThese headlines are on Inforwars. They’re also really, really funny:

Liberals and Democrats will support the coming mass murder campaign against Iran

Kurt Nimmo writes how the U.S. is going to slaughter Iran for false reasons the same way we did to Yugoslavia in the 90s with liberals pretending to believe it’s a human rights venture. Okay. I can see that.

Minnesota County Conducts “Operation Big Shot” Mass Vaccination Drill

Kurt Nimmo again. This time, he talks about how Ramsey County officials are going to force the H1N1 vaccine on their county as an experiment against the American people. Infowars is generally anti-vaccination. They think it’s for mind control, or something.

Paramilitary Force To Boss Internment Camp In Montana

I knew there was some shady police force that was going to begin guarding this prison in Montana, because they might switch the torture sites at Guantanamo Bay to this place. This article is about how the prison is actually — like FEMA camps — an experiment to imprison all Americans, for one reason or another, and then, like, New World Order (?)

This is the best line in the article:

Since a majority of the American people have now been designated as potential domestic terrorists by the federal government, fears are growing that the prison camp will be used to incarcerate citizens against their will during a flu pandemic or any other declared emergency.

“A majority” of Americans! Ha! Priceless!

Here’s a couple questions about the New World Order thing. Let’s say the Skull and Bones reptilian humanoids actually do wipe our humanity. Then what? There will be about 100 people left on earth. What are they going to do with each other? Will they keep really hot chicks alive to bang them? Because last time I looked, German Chancellor Merkel wasn’t exactly a looker. I mean, what’s the point of wiping out humanity? Who will they rule over? How will they fill their days? What will they eat?

I want an answer.

Facebook User: Kill Obama (Because of his policies and only his policies, not because I, and others like me, are crazy people)

September 28, 2009
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Look. Conservatives protesting against Obama ARE NOT RACIST!

Why don’t you gay-loving liberals get that through your thick skulls!

Don’t tread on me! Obama just wants to give all my hard-earned money to BLACK PEOPLE WHO DON’T WORK!!! THIS HAS NOTHING — NOTHING! — TO DO WITH RACISM!


When someone on Facebook asks, “Should Obama be killed?” and 730 people actually vote in the poll, it has nothing to do with the fact that hillbillies have all the sudden come out of the woodwork, guns loaded, irrationality in full swing.

The poll asked respondents “Should Obama be killed?” The choices: No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.

The question was not created by Facebook, but by an independent person using an add-on application that has been suspended from the site.

“The third-party application that enabled an individual user to create the offensive poll was brought to our attention this morning,” said Barry Schnitt, Facebook’s spokesman for policy.

IT’S BECAUSE THEY’RE AGAINST HIS POLICIES! (Also, white Christians are descriminated against in America.)

Judge To Birthers: Don’t Waste My Time Ever, Ever Again

September 17, 2009
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Every time I hear new news about the birther losers and, especially wigwam Orly Taitz, it reminds me of the quote from Billy Madison: “I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Well, now a judge has basically told her just that.

Huffington Post:

U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land has thrown out a complaint questioning the president’s birth from an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq and gave a warning to her lawyer, birther maven Orly Taitz.

From Ledger Enquirer:

Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national “birther” movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar “frivolous” lawsuit in his court.

“(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States,” Land states in his order. “Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is ‘an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, [and] an unqualified imposter.'” […]

In his order, Land states in a footnote that Obama defeated seven opponents in a “grueling” primary campaign that cost the contenders more than $300 million. Obama then moved on to the general election, where he faced Sen. John McCain, who Land states got $84 million to wage his campaign.

“It would appear that ample opportunity existed for discovery of evidence that would support any contention that the president was not eligible for the office he sought,” Land says.

The judge adds that Congress hasn’t started impeachment proceedings against Obama, appears satisfied that he can hold the office and has rejected the suggestion he isn’t.

Taitz, who Land says has fueled the “birther movement” with her litigation, hasn’t appeared to have won any of her claims, the judge said. Taitz pressed her agenda by filing the complaint on behalf of Rhodes, a doctor who had her final two years of medical school paid for by taxpayers, Land states.

Rhodes doesn’t want to be discharged, relieved from her two-year obligation and hasn’t previously complained about any orders she’s received, including ones since Obama took office, Land says. The judge adds that Rhodes’ “conscientious objections” to serving Obama as commander in chief can be accommodated if she isn’t deployed.

This army captain should just come out with it and say the following: “I am scared to go to war in Iraq and am using this as my excuse. After all, the war is based on nothing, for nothing, and if I don’t save face, what else do I have?”

Ted Nugent: Columnist

September 16, 2009
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Sometimes I read things and I think, what was I supposed to get out of that? Does anyone reading this think there was anything constructive in here?

Given, what I’m about to lay upon you is written by Ted Nugent, best known for one good song in the 70s, or something, and saying he was going to shove a gun up Hillary Clinton’s ass. In his newest column, he dislikes Michael Moore and his newest documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story”:

No one I know will be giving Mikey any money to further encourage his Three Stooges logic and anti-American ideologies by paying to see this nonsense.  Actually, no one I know would be dumb enough to sit through it. (Ok, some people I know would, but they all work for NBC or the New York Times.)

HAHAHA! The New York Times and NBC are liberal so they are dumb enough to sit through Michael Moore’s movie! Who does Ted Nugent know who works for these companies?

What Moore and his idol, President Obama, fail to understand is that soaking the rich with higher taxes ultimately equates to middle class jobs disappearing, the very Americans ol’ Mikey claims to care about.  One of these days the economic numbskulls amongst us will figure that out.  If not, they will go through life feeding on table scraps instead of steak.


Ultimately, those who rail against capitalism are people who claim they need to be babysat, bailed out and subsidized. They are either uneducated, ignorant, unskilled, scared or — for any number of reasons — fatalists accepting to be ill equipped to compete in the economic arena where the entrepreneurial dust is swirling and the sweat of excellence is flying unabated.

Instead of complimenting those who do compete in the economic arena, Moore, Obama and others of their ilk condemn and chastise the entrepreneurs instead of complimenting them. Mikey is czar of Bizzarro world.

So, yeah. Ted Nugent.


Charlie Sheen Pulls a Glenn Beck For 9/11 Truthers

September 11, 2009
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Charlie Sheen now has a video up on, asking President Obama to reinvestigate 9/11. Nicely. The video only shows Mr. Sheen/Estevez talking for a couple minutes toward the end. It’s mostly a series of clips shown for years in 9/11 Truth internet movies, like Loose Change, 9/11 Truth Rising and Endgame. I’ll post it below.

Sheen says, “We have questions Mr. President, lots of questions….people of the United States and the world demand the truth sir…We want our country back Mr. President, therefore I’m not just calling on you I’m calling on your team, I’m calling on each and every American citizen to wake up, stand up, and demand the truth.”

Well, there are problems. Charlie Sheen is posting this on the website of Alex Jones, a man who comes up with conspiracy theories that can neither be proven wrong or right, and makes a shit ton of money off them. In fact, Jones is a “birther,” a “deather,” and an “indoctrinator-er.” He believes Barack Obama is an illegal alien. He believes the president is an Israeli agent. He believes everything bad you could possibly believe about anyone in the government, especially the presidents, because it helps sell his videos, gets him subscribers to his website, and ratings on his radio show.

Here are screen shots of the advertisements next to Sheen’s supposed plea to have the president help him and the other Troofers:

obama ad 1obama ad 2obama ad 3

Charlie, the website you’re “pleading through” thinks the president is a fascist, a clown and part of the global elite New World Order, who, according to Jones’ movie Endgame, have special Nazi scientists that have developed technology that will help them live forever and “eliminate” 80% of humanity. I didn’t make that up.

Why the fuck would he help you, Charlie?

Oh, and another thing: Alex Jones is an anti-homosexual, anti-vaccination, climate change-denying (it’s a ploy by Al Gore to make all citizens of the world pay a “world tax” that will lead to a “world government”) nut who thinks flouride was put into the water system in order to make Americans more susceptible to “tyranny” and that City Year volunteers are being re-educated into Cultural Revolution-style Red Guards — because when I see those skinny hippies in those red jackets on the subway, heading into the ghetto to help children paint a motherfucking mural, I’m definitely thinking, “Fascist secret police.”

He calls them Obama Youth.

Sure, some shady shit went on during 9/11 and thereafter, but nothing close to what these people think. I mean, it’s fun to read this shit — that’s why I do it — but if you really believe the Bush Administration, apparently then-in cahoots with a state senator from Chicago, drove planes into those buildings with remote control joysticks and was able to secretly plant bombs in both buildings beforehand (a job that would have taken weeks), you’ve got a serious problem, and it has nothing to do with your government. It has to do with you.

Holocaust Denial Ad?

September 10, 2009
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The Harvard Crimson recently pulled an ad that somehow denied the Holocaust’s existence. That’s sort of weird.


(CNN) — Harvard University, one of America’s premiere academic institutions, is coming under fire for running an advertisement in its campus newspaper questioning the reality of the Holocaust.

The former Birkenau death camp in Poland. It is widely accepted that about 5.7 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Recently named for the second straight year as the No. 1 school in U.S. News & World Report rankings of American colleges, Harvard is known for its rigorous scholarly standards and prestigious reputation.

On Tuesday, however, The Harvard Crimson, in what it said was an error, ran the Holocaust-questioning advertisement, which had been rejected by the paper over the summer.

In response to the commotion created by the ad, Crimson President Maxwell L. Child released a statement Wednesday citing three weeks of summer vacation between the submission of the advertisement and the publication of the paper as the explanation for why the ad “fell through the cracks.” […]

The ad, paid for by Holocaust denier Bradley R. Smith and his Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, primarily raises questions about then-Gen. Dwight Eisenhower’s account of World War II and the existence of Nazi gas chambers.

Whoa! Can’t find a picture of the ad but will put it up if I do.